Sustainability Policy
The Last Drop Village Hotel & Spa recognises that we live in an ever-changing environment and we have a responsibility to mitigate our impacts on both the environment and our local community. We also understand the need to maximise our positive impacts on both these areas of our business.
As a hospitality business we know that we have a responsibility to help reduce our negative impacts and change the way we operate. We are committed to implementing sustainable practices across our operation which must include increased areas of biodiversity across our 20 acres by building on current practices and working with different partners to ensure the support for nature is at the heart of what we do.
Our sustainability policy is a framework to use as a guidance for our hotel operations and each member of staff will understand their role and responsibility within it.
Our objective is to ensure our commitments protect and nurture the environment.
This commitment takes into account the following issues:
- Measure usage of energy and water resources monthly and produce reduction strategies.
- Identify ways to address the circular economy principles.
- Support initiatives in the field of nature conservation and biodiversity.
- Reduce and measure our CO2 emissions on an annual basis utilising the HCMI measuring tool.
- Make sure cleaning products are eco-friendly and that pollutants and harmful chemicals are kept to a minimum.
- We aim to reduce our waste output by recycling more items, reducing plastic in our supply chains and ensuring these are properly managed by our suppliers.
- We will work with local suppliers and endeavour to source more local products which can replace those not locally produced.
- Educate our staff, guests and suppliers on our and their environmental responsibilities.
This encompasses how we impact and support social, cultural and economic issues associated with the hotel, its operation and the local community.
- The Health and Safety of our staff, guests and contractors is our top priority along with improving relationships with our local community.
- The history of the hotel is available from reception and a copy is attached.
- Our website includes details of walks, cycle paths, parks and nature trails.
- Our employees are hired in line with current legislation and NMW and our aim is to hire locally.
- We do not discriminate on grounds of gender, disability, age, religion or sexual orientation. We support the equal treatment of women and minorities.
- We believe by sourcing products and services locally we contribute to improving local standards of living and prosperity. Wherever possible we support young entrepreneurs.
We are committed to maintaining a safe and secure working environment.
- We provide a safe space for incident reporting and mental wellbeing advice.
- Benefits include free meals, complimentary leisure club membership, reduced rates for accommodation, meals and events.
- Opportunities for career progression.
- Departmental induction.
- H&S and fire training.
- H&S policies and plans.
- Access to employee handbook, contracts, NMW.
- Recruitment is carried out by HODs and managers.
- Online training modules from Flow & Mapel.
- HR is a dedicated role employed at the Hotel.